ankle injury from roller skating

How to Strengthen Your Ankles for Skating: 4 Quick Tips to Prevent Injury and Improve Performance

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Do you love skating but find your ankles hurt afterwards?

There are many ankle-strengthening exercises you can do at home that will help improve your skating performance.

In this article, you will learn about the best ankle-strengthening exercises as well as how to protect your ankles when skating.

Keep reading for all the tips and tricks you need to strengthen your ankles, no matter your starting point!

The Importance of Strengthening Your Ankles For Roller Skating

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You might not think of your ankles as important to your overall health, but they actually play a very important role.

They support your entire body weight and absorb shock every time you take a step. Unfortunately, they can also be susceptible to injury.

A rolled ankle is one of the most common injuries, and it can be extremely painful.

It can also lead to long-term complications like arthritis if it isn’t properly treated.

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to strengthen your ankles and reduce your risk of injury.

Ankle exercises are a great way to improve flexibility and range of motion.

Try doing some calf raises or standing on one leg for 30 seconds at a time.

You should also make sure to wear supportive shoes, especially if you’re going to be doing any high-impact activities.

If you do injure your ankle, rest and ice it as soon as possible to reduce swelling.

Seek medical attention if the pain is severe or if you can’t put any weight on the affected ankle.

By taking some simple steps, you can keep your ankles healthy and strong for years to come.

Ankle strengthening exercises

Check out the youtube video above for some visual exercises to improve muscle strength in your ankles and follow the tips below.

Calf raises:

Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand by your sides. Slowly raise up onto your toes, then lower back down. Repeat for 10-12 reps.

Standing ankle rolls:

Stand on one leg and roll the ankle of the other leg in a circular motion. Do this for 30 seconds, then switch legs and repeat.

Bosu Ball:

A Bosu ball is a versatile fitness tool that can be used to strengthen your ankles for skating.

The unstable surface of the ball forces your muscles to work overtime to keep you balanced, which in turn strengthens the muscles and ligaments around your ankle joint.

It helps improve your balance and coordination, both of which are essential for skating.

By using the Bosu ball on a regular basis, you can help strengthen your ankles, improve your balance, and become a better skater.

Protective equipment to protect your ankles when skating

  • Ankle supports: If you’re going to be skating on a regular basis, it’s a good idea to invest in quality ankle supports. This will help to stabilize your ankle and reduce your risk of injury.
  • Skates with ankle support: There are also skates available that have built-in ankle support. This can be especially helpful if you have weak ankles or are prone to ankle injuries.
  • Padding: Another good way to protect your ankles when skating is to wear padding around the ankle area.
  • Socks: It might seem counter-intuitive, but wearing socks can actually help to protect your ankles when skating. Socks provide an extra layer of padding and can help to absorb impact in the event of a fall.
  • Moleskin pads: Moleskin pads are another great option for ankle protection. They’re made of a soft, cushiony material that helps to absorb impact and reduce friction.
  • Gel pads: Gel pads are similar to moleskin pads, but they’re made of a gel material that provides extra cushioning.
  • Insoles: I have always found these to be a great way to avoid the sides of the shoe from cutting into my ankle. they elevate the foot so that your ankle is above the rim line of the skate shoe. This is also a good way to avoid blisters.

Breaking in new roller skates

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There’s nothing quite like lacing up a brand-new pair of roller skates and hitting the rink for the first time.

Even if you’re an experienced skater, there’s something special about skating on a brand-new pair of wheels.

Of course, before you can enjoy skating on your new skates, you need to break them in.

Here are a few tips to help you do just that.

First, it’s important to strengthen your ankles for skating.

This will help you avoid injuries and make it easier to transition from your old skates to your new ones.

Second, be sure to spend some time skating around your house or in your garage before taking your skates out in public. This will help you get used to the feel of your new skates and make sure that they’re comfortable.

Third, Wear the proper size skates. It is important to make sure you are wearing the proper size skate. If the skate is too big, your ankle will move around inside the boot and be more susceptible to injury.

If the skate is too small, it will be uncomfortable and can cause blisters.

Finally, don’t be afraid to take your time breaking in your new skates. Skating is supposed to be fun, so make sure that you enjoy the process!

What Expert Tips Can Improve Men’s Inline Speed Skating Performance?

Expert tips for inline speed skating can significantly enhance men’s performance on the track.

Focus on proper technique, ensuring a deep knee bend for maximum power.

Incorporate strength and conditioning exercises to build muscle and explosiveness.

Work on agility drills to quickly change direction and maintain balance.

Apply these expert tips to excel in men’s inline speed skating.


By following the exercises outlined in this article, skaters can significantly reduce their risk of ankle and foot injuries.

Regularly strengthening the dorsiflexors and lateral muscles of the ankles, as well as engaging in proprioceptive and calf raise exercises, can improve balance, reduce the chance of sprains and strains, and create a stronger, more agile skater.

With the right exercises, skaters can enjoy a safe, fun, and rewarding experience on the rink.


Do I need ankle supports to roller skate?

While ankle supports are not required, they can be helpful in preventing ankle injuries. If you have weak ankles or are prone to ankle injuries, consider investing in a good pair of ankle supports.

How often should I skate?

There is no set amount of time that you should skate. However, it is important to listen to your body and take breaks when you need to. Skating for long periods of time can be taxing on your body and can lead to injury.

Can I skate if I have ankle pain?

If you have ankle pain, it is best to rest and ice the ankle. Skating on an injured ankle can worsen the injury and delay healing. Seek medical attention if the pain is severe or if you can’t put any weight on the ankle.

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